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Seeker's Club

The purpose of the Villa Height's Seeker' s Club is to feed the Soul and feed the Body!  It's positive place to seek out a closer relationship with Jesus

The Seeker's Club is a biweekly devotion sent directly to your inbox. We hope something you see here will inspire you to seek out His Word or seek Him out in prayer!
We will also share a recipe from the Villa Heights 100th Year Anniversary Cookbook.  Try these recipes with your family, prepare one for a neighbor or bring a dish to the next church dinner!

Trivia Night

Join us for an evening of fun, fellowship, snacks, and trivia on May 25! Test your knowledge, enjoy great company, and indulge in delicious snacks as we embark on a thrilling trivia adventure. Gather your friends, family, or colleagues and sign up today to secure your spot!


Being baptized the way that Jesus was baptized is an awesome, joyful experience! Villa Heights has had the joy of baptizing many people in our church's history. These people tell us that God did something special in their hearts when they followed the example of Jesus to get baptized. Because there are different traditions and beliefs about baptism, we are happy to share the scripture answers to questions you may have about this wonderful event 

Prayer Request

Every loving relationship requires communication. Prayer is how we communicate with God. He desires our prayers and listens. Prayer is not a wish list of everything we desire, but it can provide what we really need. Prayer changes things. Prayer changes people.  We would love to pray for you!